Shock and Awe Form
  • Details, Video, and Audio
  • Business Card
  • Letter
  • Book/Suggested Reading
  • Free Report Or White Paper
  • Brochures


Settings regarding the nameplate

Site Header Text And Link

Text and link displayed on the top of the rendered site

Primary Video

Upload a video here to be used as the primary video (front and center).


Upload an audio to be shown in a SmartPhone-like image in the top left corner of your Shock-And-Awe site. Examples may include an audio of client testimonials, an interview of you by a local celebrity, an introduction of yourself to your prospect or anything that you can think of. If you have an MP3 recording, you can upload it here for your prospect to play in their custom site.

Business Card

The business card image should be 350 pixels wide by 200 pixels high in high quality JPEG or PNG format. It is okay if the image is larger than that, but it should have the same aspect ratio (350x200).

Enter your business card standard information on this page. This information will display as a business card with your logo in the top right corner of your site.

From Name/Signature information will be displayed on a business card when company logo option is selected and will be provided to site visitors in VCF format if they click the download link on the business card.

Alternatively, you may upload an image of your business card to be displayed here instead. Ideal size will be 350 by 200 pixels to fit this space.


The text in your letter will show up in the middle of your page. This letter should be customized and personal for your specific client/prospect and may include the time/date/location of your appointment and any other instructions/information that you want them to know about.

Book Or Suggested Reading

The book should be uploaded as a PDF file for best results.

The cover image should be 630 pixels wide by 760 pixels high in high quality JPEG format. It is okay if the image is larger than that, but it should be kept to an aspect ratio of 10 wide by 12 high.

Upload an excerpt of a book or educational material that you have either written or give to your prospects to educate them in advance of a meeting. The graphic on this page will look like a book on the prospect’s “Virtual Desk”. Ideal size for the cover image graphic is 630 by 760 pixels.

Free Report Or White Paper

The document should be uploaded as a PDF file for best results.

The cover image should be 630 pixels wide by 760 pixels high in high quality JPEG format. It is okay if the image is larger than that, but it should be kept to an aspect ratio of 10 wide by 12 high.

Upload a free educational report for your client to review about your business here. For best results, this should be educational and not just a summary of your business. Make it about them and the decision that they are making instead of a summary of your services. Ideas include a “YourIndustry” Buyers Guide, X Things To Know About “YourIndustryServices” Before You Buy, etc.

Also upload a cover image for best results. Your cover image should be a JPG or TIFF image with the dimensions of 630 by 760 pixels.

Brochure #1

Adding a document here will cause a folder to display at the bottom of the Shock and Awe site. Each folder can have two lines of text. We recommend you limit the number of characters in the first line to 20 and the number of characters in the second line to 16.

Brochure #2

Adding a document here will cause a folder to display at the bottom of the Shock and Awe site. Each folder can have two lines of text. We recommend you limit the number of characters in the first line to 20 and the number of characters in the second line to 16.

Brochure #3

Adding a document here will cause a folder to display at the bottom of the Shock and Awe site. Each folder can have two lines of text. We recommend you limit the number of characters in the first line to 20 and the number of characters in the second line to 16.

Brochure #4

Adding a document here will cause a folder to display at the bottom of the Shock and Awe site. Each folder can have two lines of text. We recommend you limit the number of characters in the first line to 20 and the number of characters in the second line to 16.